So, since a blog isn't really the place for a long and drawn out argument (at least that's what I think!), here are a few things to keep in mind while the Pope is visiting our nation:
Some examples of what Pope Francis is NOT
Pope Francis is not a Republican or a Democrat. He is not merely the leader of an NGO. He is not an advocate of an earthly utopia. He is not a Marxist radical or liberation theologian. He is not a harsh moralist who has no compassion for those who are leading lives that are incompatible with Christ's commands. He does not "hate" dogma. He is not in favor of a social justice that is stripped of a deep and primary commitment to the Gospel. He is not a radical environmentalist. He is not in favor of changing Church teachings on the nature and requirements for the priesthood. He is not lukewarm on things like abortion, euthanasia, government infringement on religious liberty, or the redefinition of marriage. His many statements on these topics are absolutely in accord with his predecessors, especially Pope St. John Paul II and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.
Some examples of what Pope Francis IS

The harder we try to understand Pope Francis apart from his actual vocation and mission, the more we will be left confused or even upset. Listen to what he actually says. Read what he actual writes and do so in context. It's worth the effort! May God bless and protect our beloved Holy Father during his pilgrimage to our land.