The prevailing notion that usually seems to rule the day is this: I can't really be up unless someone else is down. I routinely live my life in a way that seems to assume that the true measure of happiness, peace, and order in life is determined by the sheer force of will (mine over someone else's). Through sin I gradually become the center of my own little universe and, if I keep heading down that road, I might actually begin to believe my own fantasy.

Why in the world does God do this? To show that true power is found precisely in mercy and love, not fury and coercion. It is mercy and love that reign supreme. Love is not love at all when it's coerced, when it's forced upon another. Genuine peace, what Augustine called "tranquility of order," cannot exist where there is no love. In an atmosphere of hatred, revenge, and one-upmanship, love cannot breathe and it soon dies out. Most of what we think evinces true power is usually, in fact, a flash in the pan, a quick fix, a tree with no roots. When it's all said and done, earthly power always exhausts itself and the one who insists upon grasping it is never satisfied. Love and mercy alone satisfy the human heart.